Your Local Automation Guides

Do you want to build a machine that will allow you to outpace your competition? Maybe the edge you need is more throughput? Higher precision? Longer life? Maybe its lower cost (higher value)? Whatever it is, we can help, and consultations are free. Give us the chance to sit down, one on one, with your engineers and show the value that we bring to the table.

Throughput: Our engineers are experts at sizing systems. We know the exact components you need to build a faster machine. We know which components work best together and how to best leverage their capabilities to provide maximum performance.

Higher Precision: High precision is not as simple as looking at a datasheet and choosing a motor or actuator that meets a specification. The entire system must be considered – stage/actuator, motor, feedback, cables, drive, controller, power supply. Each play a critical part in the system performance. Whether you are looking at millimeters, microns, or nanometers of precision, our experience will ensure that your system preforms better than expected.

Longer life: Many factors come into play when calculating system life and mean time between failure (MTBF). Spec sheets give theoretical values, but there is no substitute for a real world application. Our engineers have knowledge of how these products stand up to the test. We represent best-of-breed suppliers – these top notch suppliers WILL ensure your machine has the longevity your customers demand.

Lower cost: There is a well-known saying: “you get what you pay for”. Some manufacturers will try to sell you a “cheaper” component, which will normally be an inferior product and of questionable quality. Guide Automation believes that these “inferior products” are not in our customers best interest. Instead, to help our customers be more cost effective, we elect to take a different cost reduction path. We choose to evaluate machine design: perhaps we can eliminate a component, or reduce the size of something that is oversized? Quality over quantity, that's our policy.

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